速報APP / 個人化 / Voice Now Watch Face

Voice Now Watch Face





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本


Voice Now Watch Face(圖1)-速報App

Voice Now is a clean, minimal and highly customizable watch face looking to improve your smartwatch battery life and performance.

Tired of using the “Ok Google” hotword or having trouble getting your device to respond? With Voice Now Watch Face you can immediately launch Google with an easy tap on the screen.

Voice Now Watch Face can be installed on any smartwatch running Android OS and Android Wear


- Optimized for low battery consumption

- Clean analog style watch face

Voice Now Watch Face(圖2)-速報App

- Wearable battery level ring indicator

- Custom date fonts

- Custom date formats

- Custom date size

- Interactive Google Now voice icon!

- Supports Ambient Mode and Low bit mode

Voice Now Watch Face(圖3)-速報App

Full color customization:

- Hour Hand

- Minute Hand

- Second Hand

- Ticks Marks

- Date

Voice Now Watch Face(圖4)-速報App

- Battery Ring indicator

Customize your wearable within the companion/phone Android Wear app.


- After installing from the Play Store to your phone, please run “Resync all apps” from within the Android Wear app

- A notification will appear on your smartwatch after the sync is completed and the watch face is installed

Feedback and suggestions:

Voice Now Watch Face(圖5)-速報App

- Feedback available within the watch face customization screen at the menu options

- Please consider sending us a feedback regarding any problems or bugs that might occur

Voice Now Watch Face(圖6)-速報App